Strat-O-Matic Report

BOXSCORE: 2017 Palatine Cubs At 2017 Woodfield Roadkyll             5/20/2017
  Cubs               AB  R  H RBI AVG     Roadkyll           AB  R  H RBI AVG
  C.Hernandez 2B      4  0  1  0 .237     E.Carrera LF        3  1  2  0 .301  
  D.Peralta LF        5  0  0  0 .312   A-J.McCann PH         1  0  0  0 .304  
  A.Rizzo 1B          4  1  1  0 .253   B-B.Goodwin LF        1  1  1  0 .214  
  K.Bryant 3B         4  1  1  2 .239     C.Spangenberg 3B    3  0  1  0 .318  
  E.Rosario CF        4  1  1  0 .185     S.Souza Jr RF       5  0  1  1 .298  
  M.Cabrera RF        4  1  2  2 .254     H.Kendrick 2B       3  1  1  0 .281  
  J.Reyes SS          4  0  1  0 .213     J.Bour DH           5  0  1  1 .296  
  W.Castillo C        4  0  0  0 .236     A.Avila C           4  0  1  0 .337  
  K.Davis DH          3  0  0  0 .215     K.Kiermaier CF      3  0  0  0 .252  
                                          A.Escobar SS        3  1  1  1 .299  
                                          L.Valbuena 1B       3  1  1  2 .267  
                     -- -- -- ---                            -- -- -- ---      
         Totals      36  4  7  4                 Totals      34  5 10  5
A-Pinch Hit For Carrera In 7th Inning
B-Subbed Defensively (LF) For McCann In 8th Inning
Cubs............ 0 2 2  0 0 0  0 0 0  -  4  7  0
Roadkyll........ 1 0 0  0 0 0  2 1 1  -  5 10  2
Cubs (19-21)             IP       H   R  ER  BB  SO  HR  PC    ERA  SCORESHEET
A.Wainwright              6       5   3   3   4   6   1 119   5.55  A1 C9
B.Duensing HOLD(3rd)      1 1/3   2   1   1   0   2   0  17   9.28  D1 D6
R.Osuna LOSS(1-1) BS(3rd) 1 1/3   3   1   1   0   1   0  28   0.55  D7
Totals                    8 2/3  10   5   5   4   9   1
Roadkyll (18-22)         IP       H   R  ER  BB  SO  HR  PC    ERA  SCORESHEET
K.Maeda                   6       5   4   4   2   7   2 127   4.59  A1 C9
J.Pazos                   1       1   0   0   0   1   0  15   3.48  D1 D5
M.Lorenzen WIN(2-0)       2       1   0   0   0   2   0  29   0.00  D6
Totals                    9       7   4   4   2  10   2
ATTENDANCE- 7,800 DATE- Wednesday, May 20th 2017 TIME- Night 
T- 3:36
LEFT ON BASE- Cubs: 8  Roadkyll: 9
DOUBLE PLAYS- Cubs: 1  Roadkyll: 0
ERRORS- H.Kendrick, K.Maeda
DOUBLES- J.Reyes(4th)
HOME RUNS- K.Bryant(9th), M.Cabrera(7th), L.Valbuena(9th)
RBIs- K.Bryant-2(34th), M.Cabrera-2(14th), S.Souza Jr(16th), J.Bour(38th),
      A.Escobar(18th), L.Valbuena-2(20th)
WALKS- C.Hernandez, A.Rizzo, C.Spangenberg-2, H.Kendrick, L.Valbuena
HIT BY PITCH- K.Davis, H.Kendrick, K.Kiermaier
STRIKE OUTS- C.Hernandez-2, D.Peralta, K.Bryant, M.Cabrera, W.Castillo-3,
             K.Davis-2, C.Spangenberg, S.Souza Jr-3, J.Bour-2, A.Avila,
             K.Kiermaier, L.Valbuena
GIDP- A.Avila
2-out RBI- K.Bryant-2, J.Bour
RLISP 2-out- J.Bour, D.Peralta, H.Kendrick-2, K.Davis, E.Rosario-2, L.Valbuena
TEAM RISP- Cubs: 0 for 4  Roadkyll: 2 for 11
Ezequiel Carrera had 2 base hits as the Woodfield Roadkyll won a
heart-stopping victory over the Palatine Cubs, 5 to 4.
Woodfield won the game with a run in the 9th inning.  Brian Goodwin ripped a
one-base hit.  Cory Spangenberg next to the plate and he banged out a single.
Steven Souza Jr was a strikeout victim, unable to help out.  One out later,
Justin Bour stepped up to the plate and he lined a base-hit giving Woodfield
the win much to the delight of the home town crowd.  Overall Woodfield
out-hit Palatine 10 to 7.  
Michael Lorenzen(2-0) got the win allowing no runs in 2 innings. Roberto
Osuna(1-1) was charged with the loss in relief.  He pitched 1 and 1/3 innings
allowing 3 hits and no walks.
SCORESHEET: 2017 Palatine Cubs at 2017 Woodfield Roadkyll
C.Hernan-A1  A1:W>b1    *3*:K      C1:Si>12   *7*:K      *9*:G/43
D.Peralt-A1  A2:Force/  B2:K       C2:L/4     D2:F/8     E2:F/7
             64>1o b1                                    
A.Rizzo-A1   A3:P/4     B3:W>b1    *5*:L/4    D3:Si      E3:G/13
K.Bryant-A1  A4:F/7     B4:HR>1#   C4:K       D4:E/4>13
                        b#                    b2 
E.Rosari-A1  *2*:Si     B5:E/1     C5:G/43    D5:F/9
M.Cabrer-A1  A6:HR>1#   B6:K       *6*:G/13   *8*:Si
J.Reyes-A1   A7:G/31    *4*:G/43   C7:Do      D7:P/6
W.Castil-A1  A8:K       B8:K       C8:G/63    D8:K
K.Davis-A1   A9:K       B9:HBP     C9:G/63    D9:K
E.Carrer-A1  A1:Si      *3*:F/8    C1:Si>12   D1:F/9     *9*:Si
C.Spange-A1  A2:W>12 b  B2:W>b1    C2:K       D2:G/13    E2:Si>12
S.Souza -A1  A3:Si>2#   B3:K       C3:G/3>23  D3:K       E3:K
             12                    12                    
H.Kendri-A1  A4:HBP>23  B4:W>12 b  C4:G/43    *8*:Si     E4:F/7
             12         1                                
J.Bour-A1    A5:K       B5:G/3     *6*:G/43   D5:K       E5:Si>2#
A.Avila-A1   A6:G-DP/4  *4*:K      C6:F/9     D6:Si>12
K.Kierma-A1  *2*:G/43   B7:G/43    C7:K       D7:HBP>23
A.Escoba-A1  A8:FO/2    B8:G/31    *7*:Si     D8:SF/7>3
L.Valbue-A1  A9:K       *5*:W>b1   C9:HR>1#   D9:F/7