Strat-O-Matic Report
BOXSCORE: 2016 Aarlington Aardvarks At 2016 Vernon Hillbillies 4/17/2016 Aardvarks AB R H RBI AVG Hillbillies AB R H RBI AVG B.Hamilton LF 4 0 1 0 .129 F.Freeman 1B 4 0 0 0 .390 D.Pedroia 2B 4 1 1 0 .279 M.Machado 3B 4 1 1 0 .289 O.Herrera RF 3 0 1 0 .344 D.Ortiz DH 4 1 1 1 .290 J.Mauer 1B 3 1 2 1 .241 R.Braun LF 3 0 1 1 .277 I.Desmond DH 4 0 0 0 .256 C.Davis RF 2 2 0 0 .167 R.Schimpf 3B 4 0 0 0 .056 A.Jones CF 4 0 0 0 .214 L.Martin CF 4 1 1 1 .259 B.Phillips 2B 4 2 2 1 .276 J.Centeno C 4 0 1 0 .357 R.Martin C 3 1 2 2 .480 J.Iglesias SS 3 0 0 0 .207 A.Simmons SS 4 0 2 2 .342 A-C.Bethancourt PH 1 0 0 0 .267 -- -- -- --- -- -- -- --- Totals 34 3 7 2 Totals 32 7 9 7 A-Pinch Hit For Iglesias In 9th Inning Aardvarks....... 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 - 3 7 0 Hillbillies..... 0 2 0 2 2 0 0 1 - 7 9 1 Aardvarks (6-4) IP H R ER BB SO HR PC ERA SCORESHEET R.Dickey LOSS(0-1) 3 2/3 4 4 4 3 3 0 68 7.27 A1 B8 D.Coulombe 1 1/3 4 2 2 0 2 0 32 3.18 B9 C7 G.Kontos 2 0 0 0 1 2 0 24 4.50 C8 D5 P.Baez 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 12 1.17 D6 Totals 8 9 7 7 4 8 1 Hillbillies (7-3) IP H R ER BB SO HR PC ERA SCORESHEET A.Wainwright WIN(2-0) 7 4 1 1 2 11 1 101 0.69 A1 D1 R.Iglesias 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 36 10.13 D2 Totals 9 7 3 3 4 13 2 ATTENDANCE- 19,321 DATE- Friday, April 17th 2016 TIME- Night T- 2:58 LEFT ON BASE- Aardvarks: 8 Hillbillies: 5 DOUBLE PLAYS- Aardvarks: 0 Hillbillies: 1 ERRORS- A.Simmons DOUBLES- J.Centeno(3rd), M.Machado(7th), D.Ortiz(4th), R.Martin(4th) HOME RUNS- J.Mauer(2nd), L.Martin(1st), R.Martin(2nd) RBIs- J.Mauer(5th), L.Martin(3rd), D.Ortiz(3rd), R.Braun(5th), B.Phillips(1st), R.Martin-2(7th), A.Simmons-2(7th) WALKS- B.Hamilton, D.Pedroia, O.Herrera, J.Mauer, R.Braun, C.Davis-2, R.Martin STRIKE OUTS- B.Hamilton-2, O.Herrera, I.Desmond-2, R.Schimpf-2, L.Martin-3, J.Centeno-2, C.Bethancourt, F.Freeman-2, D.Ortiz, R.Braun, C.Davis, A.Jones-2, R.Martin GIDP- I.Desmond 2-out RBI- B.Phillips, R.Martin-2, A.Simmons-2 RLISP 2-out- A.Simmons, O.Herrera-2, F.Freeman, L.Martin, R.Schimpf TEAM RISP- Aardvarks: 0 for 8 Hillbillies: 6 for 7 WEB GEMS- Bot 2nd: Juan Centeno blocked the plate, saving a run! Bot 6th: Odubel Herrera robbed Andrelton Simmons of an extra base hit. Adam Wainwright reeled off a total of 11 strikeouts as the Vernon Hillbillies defeated the Aarlington Aardvarks by the score of 7 to 3 at Long Grove CG. Wainwright(2-0) earned his pay with a solid performance for Vernon. He went 7 innings and surrended up 4 hits and 2 walks. Vernon totaled 9 hits on the night. R.A. Dickey(0-1) was hit with the loss. He allowed Vernon 4 runs in 3 and 2/3 innings of work. Wainwright was pleased with his performance. He noted, 'I had good zip on my pitches. Just as important, my location was right on. The fans really got into the game too - that always helps me. Now, if I can only do that again in my next outing.' SCORESHEET: 2016 Aarlington Aardvarks at 2016 Vernon Hillbillies B.Hamilt-A1 A1:K B1:W>b1 C1:G/53 D1:K E1:Si D.Pedroi-A1 A2:Si B2:G/43>2 C2:F/9 *8*:W>b1 E2:F/9 3 12 O.Herrer-A1 A3:K B3:G/53 *6*:W>b1 D3:Si>13 J.Mauer-A1 A4:G/63 *4*:HR>b# C4:Si>12 D4:W>12 b 1 I.Desmon-A1 *2*:K B5:K C5:F/9 D5:G-DP/4 63>3# 23 1o R.Schimp-A1 A6:G/13 B6:E/6 C6:K D6:K L.Martin-A1 A7:K B7:K C7:K *9*:HR>b# J.Centen-A1 *3*:Do B8:K *7*:K D8:G/53 J.Iglesi-A1 A9:F/7 *5*:FO/5 C9:F/9 D9:K C.Bethan-D9 F.Freema-A1 A1:G/43 *3*:G/13 C1:K D1:K M.Machad-A1 A2:G/13 B2:G/63 *5*:Do *7*:G/63 D.Ortiz-A1 A3:K B3:G/31 C3:Do>2# D3:G/31 R.Braun-A1 *2*:G/13 *4*:K C4:Si>2# D4:W>b1 C.Davis-A1 A5:W>b1 B5:W>b1 C5:K D5:FO/4 A.Jones-A1 A6:G/53>1 B6:K C6:F/9 *8*:K 2 B.Philli-A1 A7:Si>2# B7:Si>12 C7:G/13 D7:FO/5 R.Martin-A1 A8:Do>2# B8:W>23 1 *6*:K D8:HR>b# 2 b1 A.Simmon-A1 A9:Si>2o B9:Si>3# C9:F/9 D9:G/63 2# 13