Strat-O-Matic Report
BOXSCORE: 2013 Tombstone Huckleberries At 2013 Chicago Colts 4/24/2013 Huckleberries AB R H RBI AVG Colts AB R H RBI AVG M.Scutaro 2B 4 1 0 0 .326 D.Dejesus CF 4 0 2 1 .357 J.Hamilton RF 4 2 3 2 .325 P.Fielder DH 4 2 3 4 .265 S.Van Slyke LF 4 0 1 1 .154 B.Bogusevic RF 4 1 1 0 .263 M.Cabrera 3B 3 1 2 2 .475 B.McCann C 4 2 3 0 .222 M.Adams 1B 4 0 0 0 .400 B.Miller SS 4 1 3 1 .455 M.Napoli DH 4 0 1 0 .293 M.Moreland 1B 4 0 1 0 .345 M.Zunino C 4 0 0 0 .161 A.Soriano LF 4 0 0 1 .164 J.Reddick CF 4 0 1 0 .310 B.Lawrie 3B 3 2 1 0 .250 J.Rollins SS 4 1 1 0 .281 D.Lemahieu 2B 4 1 2 0 .208 -- -- -- --- -- -- -- --- Totals 35 5 9 5 Totals 35 9 16 7 Huckleberries... 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 - 5 9 0 Colts........... 3 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 - 9 16 0 Huckleberries (10-6) IP H R ER BB SO HR PC ERA SCORESHEET I.Kennedy LOSS(1-2) 1 2/3 6 6 6 0 0 3 42 6.11 A1 B2 T.McFarland 3 1/3 8 3 3 1 2 0 73 7.71 B3 D1 R.Ross 3 2 0 0 0 3 0 31 4.82 D2 Totals 8 16 9 9 1 5 3 Colts (9-7) IP H R ER BB SO HR PC ERA SCORESHEET M.Cain WIN(2-2) 7 1/3 6 3 3 3 10 1 122 3.76 A1 D4 S.Maness 1 2/3 3 2 2 0 1 1 33 6.35 D5 Totals 9 9 5 5 3 11 2 ATTENDANCE- 9,765 DATE- Friday, April 24th 2013 TIME- Night T- 3:10 LEFT ON BASE- Huckleberries: 7 Colts: 4 DOUBLE PLAYS- Huckleberries: 4 Colts: 0 DOUBLES- J.Reddick(1st), B.McCann(2nd), B.Miller(1st), M.Moreland(3rd), D.Lemahieu(3rd) TRIPLES- B.Bogusevic(1st) HOME RUNS- J.Hamilton(1st), M.Cabrera(7th), P.Fielder-2(5th), B.Miller(2nd) RBIs- J.Hamilton-2(5th), S.Van Slyke(3rd), M.Cabrera-2(19th), D.Dejesus(8th), P.Fielder-4(13th), B.Miller(6th), A.Soriano(11th) SACRIFICE FLIES- S.Van Slyke, D.Dejesus WALKS- M.Scutaro, J.Hamilton, M.Cabrera, B.Lawrie STRIKE OUTS- M.Scutaro, J.Hamilton, S.Van Slyke, M.Adams, M.Napoli, M.Zunino-2, J.Reddick-2, J.Rollins-2, D.Dejesus, B.Bogusevic, M.Moreland, A.Soriano, B.Lawrie GIDP- P.Fielder, B.Bogusevic, B.Miller, M.Moreland BALKS- I.Kennedy WILD PITCHES- S.Maness 2-out RBI- B.Miller, P.Fielder-2, J.Hamilton-2 RLISP 2-out- M.Napoli-2, M.Scutaro, B.Lawrie, B.Bogusevic, A.Soriano, M.Zunino WEB GEMS- Top 4th: David Dejesus robbed Scott Van Slyke of an extra base hit. Matt Cain whiffed 10 batters and Prince Fielder rocketed 2 homeruns and had 4 RBI at West Side Park where the Chicago Colts beat the Tombstone Huckleberries by the score of 9 to 5. Fielder provided much of the offense. He delivered a solo blast in the 1st inning, cleared the fences for a two-run home run in the 2nd inning and stroked a one-base hit scoring a run in the 4th inning. Chicago ended up with 16 hits for the game while Tombstone had 9. The victory was credited to Cain(2-2) who went 7 and 1/3 innings, allowing 3 runs. Ian Kennedy(1-2) was tagged with the loss. He surrended 3 homeruns in his 1 and 2/3 innings. Cain was pleased with his performance. He noted, 'I had good zip on my pitches. Just as important, my location was right on. The fans really got into the game too - that always helps me. Now, if I can only do that again in my next outing.' SCORESHEET: 2013 Tombstone Huckleberries at 2013 Chicago Colts M.Scutar-A1 A1:G/53 B1:K C1:F/8 *8*:W>b1 E1:WP>12 G/63 J.Hamilt-A1 A2:K *4*:W>b1 *6*:Si D2:Si>13 E2:HR>2# b# S.Van Sl-A1 A3:F/8 B3:F/8 C3:Si>12 D3:SF/8>3 E3:K # 12 M.Cabrer-A1 *2*:HR>b# B4:W>12 b C4:F/7 D4:Si>2# 1 M.Adams-A1 A5:P/3 B5:K C5:F/8 D5:Force/ 36>1o b1 M.Napoli-A1 A6:K B6:G/63 C6:L/5 D6:Si>12 M.Zunino-A1 A7:K *5*:G/13 *7*:K D7:F/9 J.Reddic-A1 *3*:K B8:Do C8:K *9*:G/13 J.Rollin-A1 A9:K B9:K C9:P/4 D9:Si D.Dejesu-A1 A1:F/8 B1:SF/7>3 C1:Si>12 D1:Si>12 E1:K # P.Fielde-A1 A2:HR>b# B2:HR>2# C2:Si>2# D2:G-DP/1 b# 13 63>23 1o B.Boguse-A1 A3:Tr B3:G/31 C3:G-DP/4 D3:K 63>1o B.McCann-A1 A4:Bk>3# *3*:Do *5*:Si *7*:Si F/7 B.Miller-A1 A5:HR>b# B5:Si>23 C5:Do>13 D5:G-DP/4 63>1o M.Morela-A1 A6:G/43 B6:G-DP/4 C6:K D6:Do 63>3# 1o A.Sorian-A1 *2*:L/5 B7:G/63 C7:G/63>3 D7:K # 23 B.Lawrie-A1 A8:Si *4*:W>b1 C8:K *8*:P/6 D.Lemahi-A1 A9:Do>13 B9:F/8 *6*:Si D9:F/7