Strat-O-Matic Report
BOXSCORE: 2013 Caracas Leones At 2013 Chicago Colts 4/22/2013 Leones AB R H RBI AVG Colts AB R H RBI AVG A.Jackson CF 4 0 0 0 .193 D.Dejesus CF 5 1 3 1 .342 M.Ellis 2B 3 0 1 0 .316 P.Fielder DH 5 1 1 1 .233 M.Trout LF 3 0 0 0 .292 B.Bogusevic RF 3 0 0 0 .265 D.Ortiz DH 4 0 0 0 .234 B.McCann C 1 1 0 1 .130 D.Wright 3B 3 0 0 0 .342 B.Miller SS 4 2 2 0 .389 B.Harper RF 3 0 1 0 .208 M.Moreland 1B 4 2 2 3 .360 S.Perez C 4 0 2 0 .371 A.Soriano LF 4 1 1 3 .170 A.Gonzalez 1B 4 0 0 0 .255 B.Lawrie 3B 4 2 3 1 .242 M.Kawasaki SS 3 0 0 0 .179 D.Lemahieu 2B 4 0 0 0 .152 -- -- -- --- -- -- -- --- Totals 31 0 4 0 Totals 34 10 12 10 Leones.......... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 4 0 Colts........... 0 0 1 3 0 1 4 1 - 10 12 0 Leones (5-9) IP H R ER BB SO HR PC ERA SCORESHEET S.Strasburg LOSS(1-1) 6 7 5 5 3 7 2 119 5.00 A1 C9 B.Peacock 2 5 5 5 0 1 2 44 8.00 D1 Totals 8 12 10 10 3 8 4 Colts (7-7) IP H R ER BB SO HR PC ERA SCORESHEET T.Thornburg WIN(2-1) 9 4 0 0 3 8 0 148 1.66 A1 Totals 9 4 0 0 3 8 0 ATTENDANCE- 8,810 DATE- Wednesday, April 22nd 2013 TIME- Night T- 2:48 LEFT ON BASE- Leones: 8 Colts: 4 DOUBLE PLAYS- Leones: 1 Colts: 0 DOUBLES- D.Dejesus-2(6th), P.Fielder(4th), B.Lawrie(2nd) TRIPLES- B.Miller(2nd) HOME RUNS- M.Moreland-2(4th), A.Soriano(3rd), B.Lawrie(2nd) RBIs- D.Dejesus(7th), P.Fielder(7th), B.McCann(4th), M.Moreland-3(9th), A.Soriano-3(10th), B.Lawrie(4th) STOLEN BASES- M.Ellis(1st) SACRIFICE FLIES- B.McCann WALKS- M.Trout, D.Wright, B.Harper, B.Bogusevic, B.McCann-2 HIT BY PITCH- M.Ellis STRIKE OUTS- A.Jackson, M.Ellis, M.Trout, D.Ortiz, B.Harper, S.Perez, A.Gonzalez, M.Kawasaki, D.Dejesus, P.Fielder, B.Bogusevic, B.Miller-2, M.Moreland-2, D.Lemahieu GIDP- P.Fielder 2-out RBI- D.Dejesus, A.Soriano-3, M.Moreland-2 RLISP 2-out- B.Harper-2, A.Jackson, D.Wright, P.Fielder, B.Miller, A.Gonzalez WEB GEMS- Bot 8th: Munenori Kawasaki robbed Prince Fielder of a base hit. Tyler Thornburg blanked Caracas in a very well-pitched complete game and Mitch Moreland slammed 2 homeruns and had 3 RBI at West Side Park as the Chicago Colts, running on all cylinders, ripped the Caracas Leones by a large 10 to 0 margin. It was a good day for Chicago thanks to Moreland. He smashed a solo-shot out of the park in the 6th inning and cleared the fences for a two-run home run in the 7th inning. Chicago finished with 12 hits in the victory. Thornburg(2-1) was credited with the shutout. Stephen Strasburg(1-1) suffered the loss. Chicago now has a record of 7-7. Caracas has a record of 5-9 after the loss. SCORESHEET: 2013 Caracas Leones at 2013 Chicago Colts A.Jackso-A1 A1:G/53 B1:G/53 *5*:G/53 *8*:K M.Ellis-A1 A2:HBP *3*:Si C2:F/7 D2:K M.Trout-A1 A3:W>12 b B3:SB>12 C3:F/8 D3:K 1 F/8 D.Ortiz-A1 A4:F/7 B4:F/8 *6*:K *9*:G/63 D.Wright-A1 A5:W>23 1 B5:F/8 C5:F/7 D5:G/63 2 b1 B.Harper-A1 A6:G/63 *4*:W>b1 C6:K D6:Si S.Perez-A1 *2*:Si B7:K *7*:G/63 D7:Si>13 A.Gonzal-A1 A8:G/3>12 B8:K C8:G/43 D8:F/7 M.Kawasa-A1 A9:G/63 B9:F/8 C9:K D.Dejesu-A1 A1:K B1:Do>2# *5*:Si *7*:Do E1:G/43 P.Fielde-A1 A2:G/43 B2:K C2:G-DP/3 D2:Do>2# E2:G/63 63>1o B.Boguse-A1 A3:K *4*:G/43 C3:W>b1 D3:G/43>2 3 B.McCann-A1 *2*:G/13 B4:W>b1 C4:W>12 b D4:SF/8>3 1 # B.Miller-A1 A5:K B5:Si>13 C5:K D5:Tr M.Morela-A1 A6:K B6:K *6*:HR>b# D6:HR>3# b# A.Sorian-A1 *3*:G/53 B7:HR>3# C7:F/7 D7:G/63 1# b# B.Lawrie-A1 A8:Do B8:Si C8:F/8 *8*:HR>b# D.Lemahi-A1 A9:G/53 B9:G/13 C9:G/13 D9:K