2008 MLB Split Stats (Updated January 11)

I make no claims or promises as to the accuracy of this information. Use at your own risk.

I have added estimated e-ratings for all defensive positions to the batter spread sheet. I based my calculations on a statistical analysis of the 2007 MLB fielding data and corresponding Strat e-ratings for each position. The more innings played at a position the better the calculation should be. Hopefully for the majority of fielders (other than catchers) who played 50 or more IP at a position and committed 1 or more errors my estimate will be within +/-1 of their actual Strat rating. If you played 50 or less innings or did not commit any errors, then the calculation may be off by 5 or more (it is very difficult to get an e0 from Strat, even if you did not commit any errors). For catchers I do not have a breakdown of throwing versus non-throwing errors, so my estimation is roughly of their e-rating PLUS their T-rating. So expect more variability in the catcher e, T and pb ratings. For pitchers I have added a "GR" column for games relieved.

I strongly suggest that you right click on the links below and pick "Save Target As..." to save the spread sheets to your local hard drive and thus save bandwidth on the website by not repeatedly downloading the same file. I do not anticipate making any other additions, other than updating owner info once or twice more for trades that are made between now and the draft (or whenever the actual Strat ratings arrive).

There are a lot of columns in the spread sheets, including many stats that you may not be interested in. You can select a column or group of columns in Excel and right click and pick Hide from the menu to Hide the columns that you do not want to see.

Complete Batter Info (XLS Excel Spreadsheet)

Complete Pitcher Info (XLS Excel Spreadsheet)

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