CURRENT PLAYOFF/DRAFT STANDINGS FOR 2008 Greater Chicago Playoff Draft Overall WON LOST PCT GB* Seed Position Jefferson Park JEF 82 32 .719 -- D1 20 Langley CIA 75 39 .658 -- D2 19 Dublin DUB 64 50 .561 -- T-D3 T-16/2 Caracas CRC 64 50 .561 -- T-D3 T-16/2 Columbus COL 62 52 .544 -- D4 15 North Dallas NDF 74 40 .649 8 W1 18 Tombstone HUC 68 46 .596 14 T-W2 T-17/1 Anarchy City ACC 68 46 .596 7 T-W2 T-17/1 Chicago CHI 61 53 .535 14 3 SSB SSB 59 55 .518 3 4 Dyersville DYE 59 55 .518 16 5 Nimrod NIM 55 59 .482 27 6 Santa Fe SFE 53 61 .465 9 7 St. Paul STS 53 61 .465 11 8 California CAL 48 66 .421 16 9 Detroit DET 43 71 .377 32 10 Tampico TAM 41 73 .360 41 11 Burbank BUR 40 74 .351 24 12 Chainsaw CSW 36 78 .316 26 13 Streator SRD 35 79 .307 27 14 * GB = games behind in division For teams with tied W-L records, the team listed higher currently holds tie-breaker.