0 = RESET TO NONE                      0 = RESET TO NONE

1 = Avoid Left Handed Pitcher          1 = Avoid Left Handed Batter

2 = Avoid Right Handed Pitcher         2 = Avoid Right Handed Batter

3 = Bunt More                          3 = Quick Hook

4 = Don't Bunt                         4 = Slow Hook

5 = Hit & Run More                     5 = Mop Up

6 = Don't Hit & Run                    6 = Max 6 Inning Pitched for Start

7 = Steal More                         7 = Can Relieve when Tired

8 = Don't Steal if Held                8 = Avoid Using During Blowout

9 = Don't PH for vs LHP                9 = Avoid using before 6th Inning

A = Don't PH for vs RHP                A = Avoid using before 7th Inning

B = Avoid using as PH in blowout       B = Avoid using before 8th Inning

C = Remove for def sub with lead       C = Avoid using before 9th Inning

                                       D = Max of 1 to 2 IP in relief

                                       E = Max of 2 to 3 IP in relief

                                       F = Max 7 IP for start

                                       G = IBB less with this pitcher

                                       H = Do not let Hal remove

                                     RR# = Remove a pitcher after allowing that # runs (# 0 to 15)

                                     RF# = Remove a pitcher if his fatigue drops below # (# 0 to 9)

Note that H, RR#, and RF# are only for use with Super HAL Bullpen. 0 for RR# or RF# disables it.


 1. Klesko 147C

 2. Russ Ortiz 23FG,RR5

 3. Kline 478DH,RF1