July Box Scores for All Teams
Chicago Rastafarians At 2002 Chesapeake Mud Puppies 6/30/2002
Highland Park Hawks At 2002 Santa Fe Trailer Bitches 6/30/2002
Dart Weasels At 2002 Caracas Leones 6/30/2002
Lewisville Fire Ants At 2002 Las Vegas Gamblers 6/30/2002
Cincinnati Braumeisters At 2002 California Gangsta L 6/30/2002
Wrigly Squids At 2002 Detroit Iron Gloves 6/30/2002
Chainsaw Proctologists At 2002 SSB Tar Heels 6/30/2002
Columbus Crowd At 2002 Boston Sons of Boston 6/30/2002
Chicago Rastafarians At 2002 Chesapeake Mud Puppies 7/1/2002
Highland Park Hawks At 2002 Santa Fe Trailer Bitches 7/1/2002
Dart Weasels At 2002 Caracas Leones 7/1/2002
Lewisville Fire Ants At 2002 Las Vegas Gamblers 7/1/2002
Cincinnati Braumeisters At 2002 California Gangsta Lu 7/1/2002
Wrigly Squids At 2002 Detroit Iron Gloves 7/1/2002
Chainsaw Proctologists At 2002 SSB Tar Heels 7/1/2002
Columbus Crowd At 2002 Boston Sons of Boston 7/1/2002
Chicago Rastafarians At 2002 Chesapeake Mud Puppies 7/2/2002
Highland Park Hawks At 2002 Santa Fe Trailer Bitches 7/2/2002
Dart Weasels At 2002 Caracas Leones 7/2/2002
Lewisville Fire Ants At 2002 Las Vegas Gamblers 7/2/2002
Cincinnati Braumeisters At 2002 California Gangsta Lu 7/2/2002
Wrigly Squids At 2002 Detroit Iron Gloves 7/2/2002
Chainsaw Proctologists At 2002 SSB Tar Heels 7/2/2002
Columbus Crowd At 2002 Boston Sons of Boston 7/2/2002
Chicago Rastafarians At 2002 Chesapeake Mud Puppies 7/3/2002
Highland Park Hawks At 2002 Santa Fe Trailer Bitches 7/3/2002
Dart Weasels At 2002 Caracas Leones 7/3/2002
Lewisville Fire Ants At 2002 Las Vegas Gamblers 7/3/2002
Cincinnati Braumeisters At 2002 California Gangsta Lu 7/3/2002
Wrigly Squids At 2002 Detroit Iron Gloves 7/3/2002
Chainsaw Proctologists At 2002 SSB Tar Heels 7/3/2002
Columbus Crowd At 2002 Boston Sons of Boston 7/3/2002
Chicago Rastafarians At 2002 SSB Tar Heels 7/5/2002
Boston Sons of Boston At 2002 Detroit Iron Gloves 7/5/2002
Caracas Leones At 2002 California Gangsta Luv 7/5/2002
Lewisville Fire Ants At 2002 Highland Park Hawks 7/5/2002
Cincinnati Braumeisters At 2002 Dart Weasels 7/5/2002
Santa Fe Trailer Bitches At 2002 Las Vegas Gamblers 7/5/2002
Chesapeake Mud Puppies At 2002 Chainsaw Proctologists 7/5/2002
Columbus Crowd At 2002 Wrigly Squids 7/5/2002
Chicago Rastafarians At 2002 SSB Tar Heels 7/6/2002
Boston Sons of Boston At 2002 Detroit Iron Gloves 7/6/2002
Caracas Leones At 2002 California Gangsta Luv 7/6/2002
Lewisville Fire Ants At 2002 Highland Park Hawks 7/6/2002
Cincinnati Braumeisters At 2002 Dart Weasels 7/6/2002
Santa Fe Trailer Bitches At 2002 Las Vegas Gamblers 7/6/2002
Chesapeake Mud Puppies At 2002 Chainsaw Proctologists 7/6/2002
Columbus Crowd At 2002 Wrigly Squids 7/6/2002
Chicago Rastafarians At 2002 SSB Tar Heels 7/7/2002
Boston Sons of Boston At 2002 Detroit Iron Gloves 7/7/2002
Caracas Leones At 2002 California Gangsta Luv 7/7/2002
Lewisville Fire Ants At 2002 Highland Park Hawks 7/7/2002
Cincinnati Braumeisters At 2002 Dart Weasels 7/7/2002
Santa Fe Trailer Bitches At 2002 Las Vegas Gamblers 7/7/2002
Chesapeake Mud Puppies At 2002 Chainsaw Proctologists 7/7/2002
Columbus Crowd At 2002 Wrigly Squids 7/7/2002
Chicago Rastafarians At 2002 SSB Tar Heels 7/8/2002
Boston Sons of Boston At 2002 Detroit Iron Gloves 7/8/2002
Caracas Leones At 2002 California Gangsta Luv 7/8/2002
Lewisville Fire Ants At 2002 Highland Park Hawks 7/8/2002
Cincinnati Braumeisters At 2002 Dart Weasels 7/8/2002
Santa Fe Trailer Bitches At 2002 Las Vegas Gamblers 7/8/2002
Chesapeake Mud Puppies At 2002 Chainsaw Proctologists 7/8/2002
Columbus Crowd At 2002 Wrigly Squids 7/8/2002
Dart Weasels At 2002 Boston Sons of Boston 7/9/2002
Caracas Leones At 2002 Columbus Crowd 7/9/2002
Lewisville Fire Ants At 2002 Chicago Rastafarians 7/9/2002
SSB Tar Heels At 2002 Cincinnati Braumeisters 7/9/2002
Detroit Iron Gloves At 2002 Highland Park Hawks 7/9/2002
California Gangsta Luv At 2002 Chainsaw Proctologists 7/9/2002
Las Vegas Gamblers At 2002 Chesapeake Mud Puppies 7/9/2002
Santa Fe Trailer Bitches At 2002 Wrigly Squids 7/9/2002
Dart Weasels At 2002 Boston Sons of Boston 7/10/2002
Caracas Leones At 2002 Columbus Crowd 7/10/2002
Lewisville Fire Ants At 2002 Chicago Rastafarians 7/10/2002
SSB Tar Heels At 2002 Cincinnati Braumeisters 7/10/2002
Detroit Iron Gloves At 2002 Highland Park Hawks 7/10/2002
California Gangsta Luv At 2002 Chainsaw Proctologist 7/10/2002
Las Vegas Gamblers At 2002 Chesapeake Mud Puppies 7/10/2002
Santa Fe Trailer Bitches At 2002 Wrigly Squids 7/10/2002
Dart Weasels At 2002 Boston Sons of Boston 7/11/2002
Caracas Leones At 2002 Columbus Crowd 7/11/2002
Lewisville Fire Ants At 2002 Chicago Rastafarians 7/11/2002
SSB Tar Heels At 2002 Cincinnati Braumeisters 7/11/2002
Detroit Iron Gloves At 2002 Highland Park Hawks 7/11/2002
California Gangsta Luv At 2002 Chainsaw Proctologist 7/11/2002
Las Vegas Gamblers At 2002 Chesapeake Mud Puppies 7/11/2002
Santa Fe Trailer Bitches At 2002 Wrigly Squids 7/11/2002
Dart Weasels At 2002 Boston Sons of Boston 7/12/2002
Caracas Leones At 2002 Columbus Crowd 7/12/2002
Lewisville Fire Ants At 2002 Chicago Rastafarians 7/12/2002
SSB Tar Heels At 2002 Cincinnati Braumeisters 7/12/2002
Detroit Iron Gloves At 2002 Highland Park Hawks 7/12/2002
California Gangsta Luv At 2002 Chainsaw Proctologist 7/12/2002
Las Vegas Gamblers At 2002 Chesapeake Mud Puppies 7/12/2002
Santa Fe Trailer Bitches At 2002 Wrigly Squids 7/12/2002
Dart Weasels At 2002 Lewisville Fire Ants 7/14/2002
Boston Sons of Boston At 2002 SSB Tar Heels 7/14/2002
Cincinnati Braumeisters At 2002 Columbus Crowd 7/14/2002
Detroit Iron Gloves At 2002 California Gangsta Luv 7/14/2002
Chainsaw Proctologists At 2002 Highland Park Hawks 7/14/2002
Las Vegas Gamblers At 2002 Caracas Leones 7/14/2002
Santa Fe Trailer Bitches At 2002 Chicago Rastafarian 7/14/2002
Chesapeake Mud Puppies At 2002 Wrigly Squids 7/14/2002
Dart Weasels At 2002 Lewisville Fire Ants 7/15/2002
Boston Sons of Boston At 2002 SSB Tar Heels 7/15/2002
Cincinnati Braumeisters At 2002 Columbus Crowd 7/15/2002
Detroit Iron Gloves At 2002 California Gangsta Luv 7/15/2002
Chainsaw Proctologists At 2002 Highland Park Hawks 7/15/2002
Las Vegas Gamblers At 2002 Caracas Leones 7/15/2002
Santa Fe Trailer Bitches At 2002 Chicago Rastafarian 7/15/2002
Chesapeake Mud Puppies At 2002 Wrigly Squids 7/15/2002
Dart Weasels At 2002 Lewisville Fire Ants 7/16/2002
Boston Sons of Boston At 2002 SSB Tar Heels 7/16/2002
Cincinnati Braumeisters At 2002 Columbus Crowd 7/16/2002
Detroit Iron Gloves At 2002 California Gangsta Luv 7/16/2002
Chainsaw Proctologists At 2002 Highland Park Hawks 7/16/2002
Las Vegas Gamblers At 2002 Caracas Leones 7/16/2002
Santa Fe Trailer Bitches At 2002 Chicago Rastafarian 7/16/2002
Chesapeake Mud Puppies At 2002 Wrigly Squids 7/16/2002
Chicago Rastafarians At 2002 Caracas Leones 7/17/2002
Dart Weasels At 2002 Highland Park Hawks 7/17/2002
Cincinnati Braumeisters At 2002 Chesapeake Mud Puppi 7/17/2002
Detroit Iron Gloves At 2002 SSB Tar Heels 7/17/2002
Chainsaw Proctologists At 2002 Wrigly Squids 7/17/2002
Las Vegas Gamblers At 2002 California Gangsta Luv 7/17/2002
Santa Fe Trailer Bitches At 2002 Boston Sons of Bost 7/17/2002
Columbus Crowd At 2002 Lewisville Fire Ants 7/17/2002
Chicago Rastafarians At 2002 Caracas Leones 7/18/2002
Dart Weasels At 2002 Highland Park Hawks 7/18/2002
Cincinnati Braumeisters At 2002 Chesapeake Mud Puppi 7/18/2002
Detroit Iron Gloves At 2002 SSB Tar Heels 7/18/2002
Chainsaw Proctologists At 2002 Wrigly Squids 7/18/2002
Las Vegas Gamblers At 2002 California Gangsta Luv 7/18/2002
Santa Fe Trailer Bitches At 2002 Boston Sons of Bost 7/18/2002
Columbus Crowd At 2002 Lewisville Fire Ants 7/18/2002
Chicago Rastafarians At 2002 Caracas Leones 7/19/2002
Dart Weasels At 2002 Highland Park Hawks 7/19/2002
Cincinnati Braumeisters At 2002 Chesapeake Mud Puppi 7/19/2002
Detroit Iron Gloves At 2002 SSB Tar Heels 7/19/2002
Chainsaw Proctologists At 2002 Wrigly Squids 7/19/2002
Las Vegas Gamblers At 2002 California Gangsta Luv 7/19/2002
Santa Fe Trailer Bitches At 2002 Boston Sons of Bost 7/19/2002
Columbus Crowd At 2002 Lewisville Fire Ants 7/19/2002
Highland Park Hawks At 2002 Cincinnati Braumeisters 7/20/2002
Boston Sons of Boston At 2002 Chicago Rastafarians 7/20/2002
Wrigly Squids At 2002 Lewisville Fire Ants 7/20/2002
SSB Tar Heels At 2002 Caracas Leones 7/20/2002
Detroit Iron Gloves At 2002 Las Vegas Gamblers 7/20/2002
California Gangsta Luv At 2002 Santa Fe Trailer Bitc 7/20/2002
Chainsaw Proctologists At 2002 Dart Weasels 7/20/2002
Chesapeake Mud Puppies At 2002 Columbus Crowd 7/20/2002
Highland Park Hawks At 2002 Cincinnati Braumeisters 7/21/2002
Boston Sons of Boston At 2002 Chicago Rastafarians 7/21/2002
Wrigly Squids At 2002 Lewisville Fire Ants 7/21/2002
SSB Tar Heels At 2002 Caracas Leones 7/21/2002
Detroit Iron Gloves At 2002 Las Vegas Gamblers 7/21/2002
California Gangsta Luv At 2002 Santa Fe Trailer Bitc 7/21/2002
Chainsaw Proctologists At 2002 Dart Weasels 7/21/2002
Chesapeake Mud Puppies At 2002 Columbus Crowd 7/21/2002
Highland Park Hawks At 2002 Cincinnati Braumeisters 7/22/2002
Boston Sons of Boston At 2002 Chicago Rastafarians 7/22/2002
Wrigly Squids At 2002 Lewisville Fire Ants 7/22/2002
SSB Tar Heels At 2002 Caracas Leones 7/22/2002
Detroit Iron Gloves At 2002 Las Vegas Gamblers 7/22/2002
California Gangsta Luv At 2002 Santa Fe Trailer Bitc 7/22/2002
Chainsaw Proctologists At 2002 Dart Weasels 7/22/2002
Chesapeake Mud Puppies At 2002 Columbus Crowd 7/22/2002